Frequently Asked Questions


Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes, we deliver our top quality weed in Europe from our warehouse here in London. Contact Us to place a large order.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

We have 3 shipping options you can choose from. We have same day delivery within London at no extra cost. We also have the Express overnight delivery in other Cities within the UK for an extra fee and our standard 3-5 days delivery option


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We have the safest and most discreet payment methods so we can keep the whole transaction discreet. You can Pay via Skrill or Bitcoin and on a few occasions with Paypal

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

We keep every transaction and order 100 percent discreet and encrypted. Your information is safe with US

Order & Returns

How do I place an Order?

To place an order online, visit the website, browse the cannabis selection, and add your choices to the cart. At checkout, create an account, provide delivery details, and select your payment method. After confirming your order, you'll receive a confirmation email with tracking, and your cannabis will be discreetly delivered to your doorstep.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

You can always update you order up to 3 hours after placing your order. After which you will not be able to make any changes,

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can place an order without creating an account.

How Do I Track My Order?

You will receive your tracking details as soon as your order is posted.

What is The Minimum Order?

The minimum order is 300 pounds and it is not negotiable. We will not ship until the minimum is met
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